Got Me A Daddy Map Crowned
Query Kombat Grand Champion!
And then the judges began to vote. And this is where my disbelief grew. Daddy Map advanced, round after round! It remained when 64 entries were whittled down to 32, 32 to 16, 16 to 8--all the way down until it was one of two entries battling it out for the win!
Of course, I am realistic. I know the victory doesn't mean my manuscript will for sure snag an agent or find its way to publication. (Only three agents requested a read of my manuscript during the Query Kombat agent round, whereas others received as many as 16 requests.) Nonetheless, my query was greatly improved, thanks to the insightful comments of judges and fellow kombatants along the way. My confidence in my main character's voice and story was certainly boosted. And the entire experience encouraged me to consider writing my main character into Book 2, even though Book 1 is yet to find a permanent home on an editor's desk.
In honor of the win, I'll be hosting Kara Reynolds here on my blog very soon. She'll be sharing what she loved about hosting Query Kombat 2018, and why she decided to add Got Me a Daddy Map to her Query Kombat team. So stay tuned!