A Review

One poem shows a girl and boy wanting to play tennis, but alas, they must wait beneath the lights of night for their turn on the courts. In another poem, a girl is called a name that makes fun of her size. Yet, she swims majestically proud despite it. In another poem, a girl joins her Nana and Pops on a slow pace hike along a trail lined with "sycamore trees wrapped in mottled bark."
No matter the mode of play, no matter the season, no matter the child's gender, every poem in Tag Your Dreams shows a young person learning persistence and patience while perspiring.
"Round and round. Faster and faster.
Sometimes I’m on. Sometimes I’m out.
Who cares as long as
the game keeps moving,
and I still have the chance
to jump back in."
Parents, physical education instructors, and teachers alike will enjoy having this collection of poems on hand, for each poem highlights the internal voice of a child learning persistence while engaging in play. Young readers will also enjoy Iris Deppe's simple illustrative style. Each image shows all kinds of children playing together--whether one participant is sitting in a wheelchair or leaning on crutches, or another is blond-haired or brown-skinned, or whether the player is female or male. That in itself is tagging a dream.