Not if Lily has anything to do with it! Lily is determined to escape. And this time her plan just may work! With feathers strapped about her arms, she flies out an open window. She is finally free, free as the birds that fly in London's skies. Just then, Gulliver's giant hand reaches through the window, and yanks her back inside.
But all is not lost. Finn Safekeeping, an "apprentice" to the evil clock maker who lives in the shop below, has found Lily's plea for help, the one she tied to the tail of a mouse. And today Finn has slipped a little something into Gulliver's coffee. Before you know it, Gulliver is knocked out and Finn has got Lily safe inside his pocket. Finn, however, cannot take Lily far. He has a Waste Not Watch that winds cruelly about his wrist and that keeps him bound to the clock maker's shop. Lily decides not to escape alone. She will free Finn. Besides, he can help her make her way through those massive streets of giants. So using her small, nimble fingers, she loosens the mechanisms within the Waste Not Watch and frees him!
There's a reason we found each other," she told him. "We're the keys that unlock each other's cages.Lilliput is written by Sam Gayton, illustrated by Alice Ratterree, and published by Peachtree Publishers.
llustrations © 2015 by Alice Ratterree. Permission to use granted by Peachtree Publishers.