Of course, Louis won't give up on school. He won't give up on reading. But Louis would sure like to find something that he can do that is easy peasy.
Will it be stamp collecting? Dog walking? Kick ball? Or maybe, just maybe, shooting hoops will be his forte. I mean, look at those knees. Don't they look like springs! I bet those knees won't get all knotted with dyslexia. I bet those knees will make playing basketball easy peasy.
I'm sure parents, teachers, and guidance counselors will appreciate adding KNEES: The Mixed Up World of a Boy with Dyselxia, written and published by Vanita Oelschlager and illustrated by Joe Rossi, to their libraries. All profits from Knees will be donated to Lawrence School, an independent, coeducational day school serving students with learning differences and attention deficits.