A Review

What better activity to capsulize the joy of childhood than building a makeshift fort. And Megan Wagner Lloyd celebrates that simple joy in her picture book illustrated by Abigail Halpin, Fort Building Time.
In the winter, mitten-wearing kids join forces to build a snow fort. In the spring, despite the rain, they build a fort among the trees. In the summer, a driftwood fort makes for a perfect place to dry their beach towels. And in the fall, they go all out with the most-inspiring fort a group of kids could dream up.
"Every season has it's own secret dreaming, cozy keeping, hush-listening, fort-building time."
I loved this book not only because of the story and the fond memories it stirs up, but also because it shows children from all walks of life sharing in an activity that promotes friendship and inclusion with no heavy hand to tell it. It's a simple ode to kids who know how to have fun-filled fort-building times, season after season.
Fort Building Time, was a 2018 Cooperative Children’s Book Center Choices selection. It is written by Megan Wagner Lloyd, illustrated by Abigail Halpin, and published by Alfred A. Knopf. Purchase your copy HERE.