My love for my library system is not new. I've loved it since my branch was a tiny thing that had its card catalog stuffed neatly inside cabinet drawers, and due date cards were stamped and placed inside envelopes on the inside of book covers. (I even remember when my local branch got its first computer that went onto the internet via a telephone line! BURRRRWEEEEEWOOO...)
My first library card is probably considered an antique. (And yes, I cried when I thought I lost it.)
Back in the 90s, the highlight of my week was pushing my two daughters in their double stroller down to my branch to check out new books. (Though sometimes, we checked out the same book over and over again.) How I loved our summers when we could enjoy being entertained by some of the best storytellers ever--for free. My kids never minded the cramped and hot conditions of the kids section where the storytellers performed.
Throughout the decades, my librarians and I have known one another by name. We've talked about my writing long before I was published. They've helped me locate rare books through interlibrary loans when I was doing research. They've listened to me when I hit a writing journey roadblock. They've been a huge part of my kidlit community. Even now they're cheering me on!
Seeing that JMRL red sticker on the spine of my project of the heart, smack dab next to books written by Patricia MacLachlan and Kekla Magoon--well, that's the butter cream icing on top of my debut-year-cake. YUM!
Do you have a library system that you love? Share your story in the comments below.